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Benefits of using KVM over IP

Benefits of using KVM over IP

Black Box Explains

KVM over IP Explained

KVM over IP access technology extends keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) signals from any computer or server over TCP/IP via a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection. Through this KVM over IP (KVMoIP) connection, remote users can access and control a number of servers simultaneously from wherever they are, inside or outside the organisation, and anywhere in the world. This technology works in diverse hardware environments and is ideal for managing multilocation data centres and branch offices.

High-performance KVM solutions offer maximum security, flexibility and reliability for your network. From a single screen, keyboard and mouse, you can access all your computers no matter where they are located—in another room or another building. You can switch instantly between applications and carry out multiple functions in quick succession with no delay. KVM over IP delivers better content faster for a range of applications, including broadcasting and control rooms. Here are nine reasons to consider switching to IP-based KVM.

8 Advantages of using KVM over IP:

  1. Remotely Access Computers and Software

    Take control of all remote computers, servers and virtual machines on your LAN or WAN by connecting your KVM switches over your existing IP network. KVM over IP combines the advantages of remote access software with the benefits of KVM switching technology. Like most KVM switches, KVMoIP products don’t require any software to be loaded on the host computers. They interface directly with the keyboard, monitor, and mouse connectors of the host computer or KVM switch. The KVM over IP switch digitises the incoming video signal and processes it into digital data that is communicated to a remote client computer over a LAN/WAN or the public Internet.
  2. Gain Network Flexibility

    Design your network architecture based on your needs and applications, not on your physical location. With KVM over IP you can put your servers and other end devices anywhere—without the need to run a cable for a direct connection. Instead, you can use a point-to-point KVM extender or add multiple end points to form a switched matrix.
  3. Scale your Network As It Grows

    With KVM over IP switches, you can connect to an almost unlimited number of endpoints. Include hundreds or even thousands of users and devices on one unified system. It is easy to scale up as you grow by adding transmitters and receivers.
  4. Avoid Extra Costs and Save Money

    Digital KVM technology uses your existing network, so you don’t have to invest in new dedicated switching devices, cabling and the labour to set up separate infrastructure. KVM over IP enables a remote user to effortlessly move files from a mass storage device — a USB flash drive or CD-ROM drive, for instance — from your location to the computer on which you’re working. Cost savings are realised through reduced downtime and less travel. These capabilities translate into real savings for companies having to deal with the proliferation of servers in many offices, particularly for corporations and government agencies required to deliver 24/7 uptime and real-time access to mission-critical servers 365 days a year.
  5. Remotely Access Both Computers and Virtual Machines Simultaneously

    Connect to a mix of virtualised and traditional servers using the Emerald® KVM over IP Switching solution. With KVM over IP technology, you can make a gradual transition to virtualised computing. This system requires lower bandwidth, making it suitable for deployment across your LAN or WAN architectures. Migrate from desktop to virtual computing without sacrificing performance. IP-based KVM solutions provide support for back-racked PCs and virtual desktops.
  6. Save Space

    Moving to cloud computing can save space, reduce heat and noise, and allow for maintenance to happen behind the scenes. With digital KVM you can locate computers in a secure location and connect to them via Emerald KVM units mounted on the back of the monitor.
  7. Ensure Real-Time Low Latency Image Streaming

    Stream HD video and audio with low latency and minimum bandwidth. Using high-performance KVM solutions, even full HD video can be distributed to anywhere in your network without losing quality.
  8. Remote Networking Management with BIOS access

    KVM over IP enables you to access remote servers at the BIOS level—important when you go need to troubleshoot from off-site and don’t want to a dispatch a technician. Install or recover software applications and install OS patches from your location anywhere in the world. Plus, this BIOS-level control is possible regardless of the server’s brand or model and even works if the operating system is down. By addressing network issues from a remote location, you can simply manage issues from your desk, or even save yourself the hassle of traveling to a site in the middle of the night.

Visit our KVM Switching and Extension page to learn more about our full range of solutions, including Emerald® KVM over IP, and Boxilla® Centralised KVM & AV Management System, an innovative tool that lets you efficiently monitor and manage your KVM network from anywhere.

Emerald KVM over IP

Scalable Signal Extension & Switching

Emerald bridges the gap between IP-based KVM extension and switching and access to virtual machines. It provides remote access to physical or virtualised CPUs for real-time and high-bandwidth applications.