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Guía de selección de cables de fibra óptica

Seleccione de forma sencilla el tipo de cable de fibra óptica más adecuado a sus necesidades.

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¿Desea recibir ayuda en la selección de los cables de fibra más adecuados para su aplicación? ¿Necesita una longitud determinada de cable o conector especial? Solicite una llamada gratuita a nuestros expertos técnicos.

Elija entre nuestros latiguillos de conexión y cables en bobina de fibra

Frente a las crecientes necesidades de ancho de banda, baja pérdida de inserción, protección contra torsión y aplastamiento, la manipulación, la flexibilidad y menor tamaño, aumenta el interés por el rendimiento de la fibra óptica.

Black Box ofrece cables de fibra óptica de alto rendimiento para todas sus necesidades. Utilice nuestra guía de selección de cables de fibra para ayudarle a seleccionar el latiguillo de conexión de fibra o la bobina que necesita, ofreciéndole una descripción clara y concisa sobre los cables de fibra óptica, para que pueda tomar una decisión de compra informada.

  Premium LSZH Connect LSZH LSZH con colores LSZH reforzados LSZH pigtails
Informe de pruebas Certificado de pruebas individual Certificado de pruebas por volumen Certificado de pruebas individual Certificado de pruebas individual Certificado de pruebas individual
Conectores disponibles LC, SC, ST, E2000, FC y más LC, SC, ST LC, SC, ST LC, SC, ST, E2000, FC y más SC, ST, LC y más
OM1* multimodo
OM2* multimodo
OM3* multimodo
OM4* multimodo
Bajo pedido Bajo pedido
OS1/2* monomodo

* para obtener más información consulte la clasificación OM/OS más abajo

Cuanto más compre, mayor será el ahorro

Benefíciese de nuestros descuentos por volumen

Obtenga descuentos por volumen en los latiguillos de conexión de Fibra Black Box.

Cables de fibra por volumen

  Tubo ajustado Tubo holgado Tubo holgado blindado
Nº de fibras 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 o 24
OM1* multimodo
OM2* multimodo
OM3* multimodo
OM4* multimodo
OS1/2* monomodo

Lo que necesita saber sobre los tipos de fibra óptica

La TIA ha establecido una clasificación de la fibra basada en el estándar internacional ISO/IEC 11801. Esta clasificación utiliza el prefijo «OM» para fibra multimodo y un número para los diferentes requisitos de ancho de banda modales. La fibra monomodo se indica con el prefijo «OS» y un número que corresponde a su uso en interiores o exteriores.

La siguiente tabla enumera las categorías y las longitudes de enlace máximas recomendadas.

Tipo de F.O. Diámetro del núcleo Longitud de onda Límite de atenuación Indicación de la longitud del enlace por cada cable y velocidad Color de la cubierta
        100Mbps 1Gbps 10Gbps 40Gbps 100Gbps  
Multimodo OM1 62,5µm 850nm 4.0 dB/km 550m 275 33m No especificado No especificado Naranja
  1300nm 1.5 dB/km 2km 550m 300m No especificado No especificado
Multimodo OM2 50µm 850nm 3.5 dB/km 550m 550m 82m No especificado No especificado Naranja
  1300nm 1.5 dB/km 2km 550m 300m No especificado No especificado
Multimodo OM3 50µm 850nm 3.5 dB/km 550m 1km 300m 100m 100m Agua
  1300nm 1.5 dB/km 2km 550m 300m No especificado No especificado
Multimodo OM4 50µm 850nm 2.5 dB/km 550m 1.1km 400m 150m 150m Agua
  1300nm 0.8 dB/km 2km 550m 10km No especificado No especificado
OS1/OS2 Monomodo 9µm 1310nm 1.0 dB/km 10km 5km 10km 10/30km 10/30km Amarillo

FO OS1/2 Single-Mode Enhanced Patch Cables LSZH

  • For High-Bandwidth applications.
  • Premium Low Loss optical performance meets tight data centre power budgets
  • New flexible boot allows connection in compact spaces
  • LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) cable.
  • IEC, EIA/TIA or Telecordia compliant
  • RoHS materials, REACH and SvHC compliant
Precio bajo pedido

FO Pig-tails Multimode OM2 50µm

  • All terminations exceed industry standards.
  • 900 µm tight buffered fibre optic cable.
  • Low smoke zero halogen (LSZH) buffer.
Precio bajo pedido

OM3 Patch Cable 50µm (LZ0H)

  • Laser-enhanced fibre for speeds up to 10 Gbps.
  • Improved modal dispersion.
  • Low insertion less than ≤ 0.3 decibels.
  • Compatible with all legacy systems as well as today's high speed LANs.
Precio bajo pedido

Colored Singlemode Patch Cable, PVC

  • Match fiber cable to your special networking application.
  • Select from 12 different colors.
  • Get the connectors you want: ST, SC, and LC.
  • MT-RJ connectors available upon request.
  • Higher data aggregation in the backbone, riser, and high-speed parallel interconnects (HSPIs).
  • Full compatibility with a broad range of laser-based and legacy protocols and applications.
  • Industry-leading CPC® coatings for superior microbend and environmental performance.
  • Also available as 50- ,62,5- and 10-GbE laser-optimized 50-micron multimode.
Precio bajo pedido

Coloured Multimode OM3 Patch Cable - LSZH Duplex

  • Colour code fibre networks for different applications, departments, and security levels.
  • Take your network to 10-GbE.
  • Low smoke zero halogen jacket reduces the amount of toxic and corrosive gas emitted during combustion.
  • Well suited for using in aircraft, ships, and construction areas.
  • Get the connectors you want: ST, SC, and LC in 6 different combinations.
  • Choose from 12 different colours using the filter function top left on the ordering information.
  • Select from 9 lengths ranging from 1 to 30 meters.
  • Higher data aggregation in the backbone, riser, and high-speed parallel interconnects (HSPIs).
  • Full compatibility with a broad range of laser-based and legacy protocols and applications.
  • OM1, OM2, and OM4 multimode plus single-mode cables are also available.
Precio bajo pedido

Coloured Multimode OM2 Patch Cable - LSZH Duplex

  • Colour code fibre networks for different applications, departments, and security levels.
  • Low smoke zero halogen jacket reduces the amount of toxic and corrosive gas emitted during combustion.
  • Well suited for using in aircraft, ships, and construction areas.
  • OM1, OM3, and OM4 multimode plus single-mode cables are also available.
  • Get the connectors you want: ST, SC and LC in 6 different combinations.
  • Get high performance at data rates up to 1 Gbps at 850 nm.
  • Higher data aggregation in the backbone, riser, and high-speed parallel interconnects (HSPIs).
  • Full compatibility with a broad range of laser-based and legacy protocols and applications.
  • Select from 9 lengths ranging from 1 to 30 metres.
  • Choose from 12 different colours using the filter function top left on the ordering information.
Precio bajo pedido

Coloured Multimode OM1 Patch Cable - LSZH Duplex

  • Colour code fibre networks for different applications, departments, and security levels.
  • Take your network to 10-GbE.
  • Low smoke zero halogen jacket reduces the amount of toxic and corrosive gas emitted during combustion.
  • Well suited for using in aircraft, ships, and construction areas.
  • OM2, OM3, and OM4 multimode plus single-mode cables are also available.
  • Get the connectors you want: ST, SC and LC in 6 different combinations.
  • Select from 9 lengths ranging from 1 to 30 metres.
  • Get high performance at data rates up to 1 Gbps at 850 nm.
  • Higher data aggregation in the backbone, riser, and high-speed parallel interconnects (HSPIs).
  • Full compatibility with a broad range of laser-based and legacy protocols and applications.
  • Choose from 12 different colours using the filter function top left on the ordering information.
Precio bajo pedido

Coloured Multimode OM4 Patch Cable - LSZH Duplex

  • Send data up to 500 meters at 10-Gbps.
  • Colour code fibre networks for different applications, departments, and security levels.
  • Take your network to 10-GbE.
  • Low smoke zero halogen jacket reduces the amount of toxic and corrosive gas emitted during combustion.
  • Well suited for using in aircraft, ships, and construction areas.
  • OM1, OM2 and OM3 multimode plus single-mode cables are also available.
  • Choose from 12 colours, 6 connector options, and 9 standard lengths.
  • 10-Gbps compliant per IEEE 802.3ae.
  • Provides an upgrade path from 10-Gbps to 40-Gbps and beyond.
  • Use with 850-nm VCSELs and LED laser light sources.
  • Backwards compatible with OM1, OM2, and OM3 cable.
  • PVC and plenum jackets also available.
  • Choose from 12 different colours using the filter function top left on the ordering information.
Precio bajo pedido

Coloured Singlemode Patch Cable - LSZH Duplex

  • Colour code fibre networks for different applications, departments, and security levels.
  • Low smoke zero halogen jacket reduces the amount of toxic and corrosive gas emitted during combustion.
  • Well suited for using in aircraft, ships, and construction areas.
  • Get the connectors you want: ST, SC and LC in 6 different combinations.
  • Choose from 12 different colours using the filter function top left on the ordering information.
  • Select from 9 lengths ranging from 1 to 30 meters.
  • Get high performance at data rates up to 1 Gbps at 850 nm.
  • Higher data aggregation in the backbone, riser, and high-speed parallel interconnects (HSPIs).
  • Full compatibility with a broad range of laser-based and legacy protocols and applications.
  • OM1, OM2, OM3 and OM4 multimode cables are also available.
Precio bajo pedido

Conecte el cable de conexión de fibra óptica multimodo OM4 50/125, 10/40 / 100Gbps - LSZH, LC-LC, Erika Violet

  • Cables de parcheo multimodo OM4 para uso con fuentes de luz LED y VCSEL.
  • Utiliza fibra multimodo optimizada para láser (LOMMF)
  • Compatible con 10GBase-SR SFP +, 40Gbase-SR4 QSFP + y 100Gbase-SR10 QSFP28
  • Admite tasas de transferencia de datos de hasta 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps y 100 Gbps
  • Compatible con versiones anteriores de equipos OM2 y OM3 50/125 MMF existentes
  • La cubierta de bajo humo y cero halógenos (LSZH / LS0H) encierra un núcleo de 50 µm.
  • El color Erika Violet facilita la diferenciación del cableado OM3.
  • Pruebas al 100% para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo
Precio bajo pedido
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  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.
  • Unfortunately this product is not included in our online collection. Please contact us for more information and pricing details.